
As a proud Canadian, I love when Canada Day rolls around each year. Not only is it a fun-filled day full of family, backyard BBQs and fireworks, but it’s a day when Canadians coast to coast from all walks of life amass to celebrate together. We love our country and it shows every day, but when we come together we see how diverse we are and also how inclusive. How accepting. How welcoming we are as a nation. How much we value different cultures, enjoy dialogue and new ideas, embracing those who have both been here for generations or have just landed on our fair shores.

This year Canada turns 150 years old, and it’s set to be speculator day, rain or shine. I can’t wait to head out to the parade with my kids to have some fun, meet our neighbours, wave our flag, and celebrate our diversity yet another year.

Have a great weekend! Happy Canada Day to all!

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