
It’s check-in day for JuNoWriMo.  And I have to say I’ve had a great week keeping up with the challenge.  I wasn’t sure at first, but now that I’m in up to my chin, I’m okay with the deep end–even with all the craziness of life making waves.

So, how did I stay on track?

I got up earlier every day (as in 4:45 a.m. oh-my-God it’s early!).  And surprise, surprise. . .it worked.  Why?  Well, I discovered combining the following makes for a pretty good receipe.

One. . .a still, quiet house.
Two. . .no pitter-pattering of little feet.
Three. . .a dog who lies under my desk and keeps my feet warm (even though he gives me a dirty look when the alarm goes off.  Now, if that isn’t true love, nothing is).
Four. . .man, there just isn’t anything else to do that freakin’ early, so might as well stick with the program.
And five?. . .my muse is a morning person.  Who knew, right?

Okay, enough with the blah-blah-blahing.  Let’s get down to it.

My goal is 1000 words a day.  Every day.  And I came in at. . .drum roll, please. . .

8047 words.  Hoorah!  Gold star for me (and some celebratory chocolate. . .naturally).

So, how was your week?  Did you get what you wanted accomplished?

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